Mindful Parenting
This self-study course in booklet (pdf) format is a guide to help you understand your child as well as yourself as a parent or care-giver. Awareness of both is critical for having a successful relationship with your child.
When you understand where your child is at in their development then you can meet them at this point and communicate effectively. Parenting becomes simpler and smoother when you know the subtle language of children. Along with gaining basic knowledge of our children we also need an awareness of who we are as individuals in order to parent authentically.
At the end of each module there is a reflective questionnaire to stimulate integration from left brain receptivity into right brain implementation.
Course Outline

Module 1
- Parenting in the 21st Century
- Moment by Moment Parenting
- Experiential Exercise
Module 2
- Understanding my Child
- Developmental Stages
- Who am I?
Module 3
- Co-parent Relationships
- Parent-child Relationships
Module 4
- Mind, Body, Heart
- The Art of being Mindful
- The Limbic Imprint
- Experiential Exercise
Module 5
- Effective Communication
- Discipline and the Language of Love