Course Presenter
Helen Hansen is a trained practitioner in limbic brain recoding. Helen has presented many Rebirthing workshops and has guided clients in individual sessions through this process. Helen has now created this audio course so you can experience the powerful life-changing formula of Rebirthing in the comfort of your own home. And, you get to use it time and again because once you download it, it’s yours forever.
Course Outline
Lesson 1
- The history of the powerful rebirthing process known as Limbic Imprint Recoding.
- Where does it originate from?
- How does it work?
- Why is it so effective that people from all walks of life are benefiting from the gentle shift this method offers?
Lesson 2
- What you can expect during the Rebirthing process.
- How to prepare your space. Preparation is key.
- What you will need for the process.
Lesson 3
- This lesson starts with latino style music for you to shimmy your hips and shoulders to. If you prefer to use your own music to dance to please have your uptempo track ready.
- Then move to the 2 minute 55 second mark in this lesson so you can press play here as your music ends. You will then be guided step by step through the Rebirthing process.
- Please ensure you have space and time that is uninterrupted for at least on hour.
Lesson 4
- Experience a gentle reflection of the past Rebirthing process.
- What you can expect after going through a Rebirthing treatment.
The Rebirthing Audio Guide WhatsApp group
This is a support group where you can ask questions to the presenter of the course as well as share your experience of the course.
Who is this course for?
- Those with health issues;
- Those who feel unloved, by others or themselves;
- Those who are unsettled, ungrounded, indecisive;
- If emotions are controlling you and your decisions then you will benefit from this process.
Benefits of doing this course:
- Clarity with life direction
- Improve flow quality in life
- Restoring the inner child
- Empowering one's true power
Course details
All material is for you to download and use in your own time.
4 modules of audio
Note that once payment has been made online you’ll be redirected to the ‘course download’ page. Here you’ll find various Module links to download all the material.
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